Liquidity Pools
Clipper's pools are multi-asset liquidity pools composed of Clipper Core Assets (usually ETH, WBTC, USDC, USDT, DAI, and the native token of the given chain). These assets are commodities that comprise 70% of all trade volume in DeFi.
Unlike most DEX liquidity pools, Clipper LPs earn yield on a pro rata portion of the entire pool, not just the asset(s) they deposit. Upon deposit, LPs receive LP tokens which represent their fractional ownership of the underlying pool. LP tokens have no value other than this representation.
LP tokens are called CLIPPERLP on the Ethereum network and CLPRDRPL on all other chains--despite the difference in name, they serve the same purpose.
There is one liquidity pool on each chain. The benefit of using one unified pool is to consolidate liquidity, rather than fragmenting it across multiple pools to achieve the same pairings. This increases capital efficiency, allowing for higher yields with lower fees.
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