Farming Pools

Clipper’s farming pools are multi-asset liquidity pools made up of Core Assets. They function like the main pools but have the added benefit of enabling LPs to earn reward tokens for staking their liquidity.

How to Deposit into a Farming Pool:

  1. From here, enter the token and amount you wish to deposit and connect your wallet. Note: The pool supports both individual asset and multi-asset deposits. If you are depositing $100k USD or more, a multi-asset deposit is recommended for better reward profits.

  2. Allow Clipper to use your tokens.

  3. You will be shown your potential reward token earnings. Rewards will depend not only on the size of your deposit and the current size of the pool, but also on how long you let your rewards grow.

  4. Confirm your deposit.

  5. Once the transaction completes in your wallet, your liquidity will be added to the farming pool and will start accruing reward tokens. You will receive ClipperLP tokens upon depositing. ClipperLP tokens simply represent your fractional ownership of the underlying pool, they have no intrinsic value. ClipperLP is used in the harvesting process, so hold onto them.

How to Harvest Rewards

  1. Visit the Rewards page to view your harvest data and harvest your rewards. Harvest data shows how much of your rewards are currently available to claim and how much time is left until you reach your maximum claim amount.

  2. Click “Harvest” to begin harvesting.

  3. Enter the amount of reward tokens you want to harvest. This can be equal to or less than the amount you have available to harvest.

  4. Allow Clipper to use your ClipperLP tokens to harvest Sreward tokens.

  5. Confirm your harvest.

  6. Once the transaction completes in your wallet, your reward tokens are harvested to your wallet.

👉 Check out the SAIL Farming page for info specific to farming & harvesting governance tokens.

Last updated

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